Teaching a Global Seminar in Rome (July 2019)

Professors Garlock, Glisic, and Adriaenssens taught “Two Millenia of Structural Architecture in Italy” in the summer of 2019 through Princeton’s PIIRS Global Seminar Program.

The aim of this seminar is to track and  understand the structural and architectural engineering leadership of Italy in the context of social-political-economic circumstances.

The seminar studies various structures of Italy in three distinct time frames. The first part of the course explores creativity in structural and architectural engineering during the classical and medieval period. It identifies particularities relative to the analysis of ancient structures, including construction materials, construction techniques, structural elements (column, arch, wall, and shell), and architectural forms (bridge, building, and dome). The second part of the seminar is based on vaulted reinforced concrete structures of the  1900s. The works of Italian engineer Pier Luigi Nervi are contrasted to those of Spanish engineer Felix Candela. The third part of the seminar brings us to modern times of lightweight structures and advanced technologies. It traces the relationship between innovative design and construction technology, and the evolution of tent structures.

New MOOC Launched in 2019: “The Art of Structural Engineering: Vaults”

This new Massively Open Online Course (MOOC), titled “The Art of Structural Engineering: Vaults,” was released on the edX platform in January 2019. The course is about “vaulted structures” also referred to as “shell structures”. These are long-span roof coverings that are very thin in comparison to their span (meaning length). Proportionally speaking, these vaults can be thinner than an egg.

This course was designed for a general audience, no engineering background is needed. It is the second of three independent online courses that examine The Art of Structural Engineering. The first one was about bridges, and the next one will be about buildings.

New CASCE Website

The website for the “Creative Art of Structural/Civil Engineering (CASCE) ” has been redesigned so that it is now simpler to find and download materials.  As the website states, it “builds upon the thesis of the late Professor David P. Billington of Princeton University, who defined “Structural Art” as structures (bridges, vaults, buildings) that seamlessly integrate efficiency, economy, and elegance.  This website (1) contains teaching resources to support instruction in CASCE to a broad audience (STEM and non-STEM), (2) makes a case for why teaching structural art and CASCE is important in higher education, and (3) describes the community of universities and colleagues who have adopted this teaching and their activities (e.g. workshops, conference sessions).”



Keynote lecture at Structural Engineers World Congress 2019

Professor Garlock delivered a keynote lecture at the Structural Engineers World Congress in Istanbul, Turkey, 24-26 April 2019.  The title of the lecture was “Felix Candela Umbrellas Transformed:
From Roofs to Coastal Defense”, and it represented a new direction of research that integrates structural art with coastal defense structures.  The theme of the conference was “Architecture and Structure: From Past to Future” and Candela’s umbrellas represented exactly that.  His umbrella structures are ‘structural architecture’ – meaning the two are indistinguishable.  Whereas in the past, these umbrella structures were used for roof coverings for large areas, the presentation focused on the potential future of these umbrellas as coastal defense structures.

Getty Foundation’s 2018 Keeping It Modern Grant

CEE Professors Branko Glisic and Maria Garlock teamed up with a consortium of European institutions led by Politecnico di Milano (including Vittorio Garatti Committee for the Havana National Schools of Art) to win Getty Foundation’s 2018 Keeping It Modern Grant for preservation study on The National Schools of Art of Havana. This collaborative research stemmed from the 2016 edition of the course CEE 463 A Social and Multidimensional Exploration of Structures, which focused on Creativity in Cuban Thin Shell Structures. The course initially led to several internal exploratory research projects including senior thesis of Isabelle Douglas ’17 and part of Ph.D. thesis of Rebecca Napolitano *20, whose works served as the basis for several publications and the collaborative proposal submitted to Getty Foundation. More detail about the project can be found in Getty Foundation website at http://www.getty.edu/foundation/initiatives/current/keeping_it_modern/grants_awarded_2018.html

Maria Garlock is Appointed Head of Forbes College

As of July 1, 2018, Garlock was appointed Head of Forbes College, one of the six residential colleges on Princeton’s campus. Her responsibilities include creating an inclusive community that nurtures the intellectual, social and personal development of its members. She will reside in the college house, which allows her to host programs that build community by bringing students, faculty and administrators together. What attracted her to the position of Head of College is an opportunity to interact more with students and create opportunities for personal growth and enthusiasm for learning, all of which necessitates an environment of encouragement and inclusivity.

Honoring the late David Billington

Image by Sigrid Adriaenssens

On March 25, 2018 David Billington died at the age of 90. He was a great colleague, mentor, and friend. I miss him tremendously. There will be an article soon published honoring him in IABSE’s Structural Engineering International Journal (written by Ignacio Paya Zaforteza and me) and conference sessions are being planned in memorium. At the time of his death, a journalist ask me what are the three most important things to mention about David. While the meaning of his life is hard to capture in few words, here was my response:

  1. He has shown that engineering can be art. Through his scholarship, he has defined the art of the engineer – “structural art”, which is an art form different from architectural art. He demonstrated that engineering is a creative discipline, and that engineers can be artists through the structures that they design (without compromising efficiency and economy).
  2. He humanized engineering. His scholarship revolved around people, meaning the engineers who showed great courage to try new structural forms, new materials, and new lengths (bridges, vaults) or heights (buildings). In his books and lectures he spoke of the efficiency, economy, and elegance of great historical structures (bridges, towers, vaults), all within the context of the people who designed them.
  3. He inspired people – all people: engineers, students, and the general public. He was an advocate for educating the general public about engineering. He did this through his books, lectures, and art exhibitions, all of which were designed for a general audience – no advanced math or engineering knowledge needed. If you were lucky enough to know him personally, he inspired you to keep learning, keep trying, and made you feel that he would be there to catch you if you were to fall.

Women in Engineering and Design: Moderating a Panel

At the International Association of Shell and Spatial Structures Conference, hosted at MIT July 2018, Maria Garlock moderated a panel of four successful, talented women, (a mix of architects and engineers), who are at different stages of their lives: Mariana Ibanez (Assistant Professor at the MIT Dept. of Architecture), Alloy Kemp (Associate at Thornton Thomasetti), Lucile Walgenwitz (Associate at Guy Nordenson Associates) and Jane Wernick (founder of Jane Wernick Associates). Anonymous polling was used to moderate questions from the audience. Here is a list of questions that were on their mind (listed in order of the questions that got the most votes to the questions that got the least votes).

New Certificate Program in Architecture and Engineering

This Certificate Program has been in place informally since 1973 and formally since 1981. When it was structured into a certificate in 1981, the only means of receiving the certificate in Architecture and Engineering is to be a major in CEE with a focus on structural engineering. We have now broadened this Certificate Program to make it accessible to students of all disciplines, within and without engineering.

The goal of the revised Certificate Program is to enable students to work at the intersection of engineering and architecture, where both engineering and architecture are defined more broadly than structural design. It is a framework for interdisciplinary study to tackle problems that cannot be addressed by one discipline and an opportunity to explore new educational and research trajectories.

Currently, three “fields of expertise” for the Program are listed: Structures, Computation, and Environment. With approval of the committee, the student may construct their own “field of expertise” that demonstrates a coherent program of study addressing a global challenge theme.

The Certificate Program now has two co-directors: one from the School of Engineering (Maria Garlock) and one from the School of Architecture (Forrest Meggers). It also has new requirements. For more detail visit the website: https://arch-eng.princeton.edu

The undergraduate announcement has more information: https://ua.princeton.edu/academic-units/program-architecture-and-engineering


Exhibition on “Creativity in Cuban Thin Shell Structures”

Cubans have an international reputation for their spirited high-quality art, which is manifested in mediums such as paintings, sculptures, cinema, music, as well as the design of structures. This exhibition focuses on selected “thin shell” structures designed and built in the mid-20th century in Havana. Thin shell structures are long-span roof coverings, which in this case are built out of reinforced concrete and/or terracotta tiles. As a whole, these structures illustrate the creative artistic talent of Cuban architects and engineers. Historical examples throughout the world illustrate that constraints enable creativity – some of the most creative structural designs are born of tight economic and/or physical constraints. It is therefore not surprising to see elegantly creative Cuban designs that were conceived of and built with limited resources. “Creativity in Cuban Thin Shell Structures” tells the story of select engineers and architects who shaped Havana’s architecture of thin shell structures and in some cases defined an authentic style that is creatively Cuban. See

https://cubanshells.princeton.edu for more details.