Honored with School of Engineering and Applied Science Distinguished Teaching Award
On May 27, "Class Day" part of the graduation ceremonies, Maria Garlock was honored with the School of Engineering and ...

Two CRUE members given teaching award
Dean Ahdab (Ph.D. student) and Maria Garlock were honored as outstanding educators on April 5 at the annual School of ...

Climate Adaptation Workshop: Structural Design for Coastal Flood Resilience
This by-invitation only workshop is sponsored by the National Science Foundation, ATC Endowment Fund, and Princeton University. The overall objective ...

2023 NSF BRITE Award
BRITE Pivot: Advancing Knowledge in Water - Shell Structure Interaction Through Discovery of Efficient Hydrodynamic and Structural Thin-shell Forms Funded ...

Shengzhe (Jackson) Wang wins a prestigious Graduate Student award
Shengzhe (Jackson) Wang, Ph.D. Candidate ’22, has been awarded an Honorific Fellowship, specifically the Wallace Memorial Fellowship, for the 2021-22 ...

The Structural Engineer as a HERO!
Inspired by the TED-Ed video by Matthew Winkler that describes the characteristics and journey of "heroes", my colleague Ignacio Paya ...

2021 ASCE-SEI Moisseif Award
In 2021, ASCE-SEI awarded Shengzhe Wang, Maria Garlock, and Branko Glisic the ASCE Moisseif Award for “an important paper published ...
Structural Engineering for a Changing Climate: The Floating City
On June 3, 12:30pm (EST), ASCE's Virtual Structures Congress held a session titled "Structural Engineering for a Changing Climate: The ...