
Click here to see the extensive website on this exhibition, which is an NSF sponsored project where Princeton is a co-PI along with Robert Reitherman of CUREE and Denis Mulligan of Golden Gate Bridge Highway Transportation District.  In the year 2012, the Golden Gate Bridge celebrated 75 years of service.  At that time we inaugurated an exhibition that teaches the visitor about how a suspension bridge works, the forces that are imposed on it (gravity and wind), and details about this specific bridge.  The exhibition will be on permanent display, outdoors, at the foot of the bridge where millions of visitors per year come to view the bridge.  The specific exhibits onsite that were developed by Princeton students are (1) a 1:80 scale (about 80 feet long) stainless steel replica of the bridge, which is expected to be placed onsite in 2015; (2) a deck torsional resistance exhibition; and (3) a Braille representation of the bridge.